LifeWays’ KinderHouse is a mixed-age preschool program based upon the importance of movement, play and fantasy for the young child.
The KinderHouse children play circle games and explore language through songs and poems. They dress up to become kings and queens, mothers and fathers, or other characters inspired by the stories brought to them by their teacher. They paint, color, enjoy puppet plays, grind grain, bake bread, make soup, model beeswax, and play outdoors in nature all while learning to play together. Time spent exploring the world in this active and creative way gives children the experiences they need to build a healthy foundation for future academic learning.
Each of our preschool programs meets two mornings per week, 9:00 – 11:30 a.m., from Labor Day to Memorial Day. They serve children ages 3-6 who are potty-trained. Children may extend their day through lunch — or to a full day — in one of our mixed-age child care suites.